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We Empower Lives Through Shelter

In collaboration with local and global partners, HBGI provides shelter as homes for displaced families to safely live in, and infrastructure to promote improved health, protection and education.

Shelter is more than four walls and a roof

For people affected by conflict or disasters, shelter plays a critical role in supporting their journey towards a hopeful future. We believe that shelter is a powerful tool that fosters safety and dignity, healing, livelihood, community and resilience.

Our shelters are the building blocks to a transitional life of dignity and hope for vulnerable persons in a shared situation of displacement.

Our Approach

Our system of shelters can be quickly deployed in the aftermath of a disaster to offer immediate protection. They provide long-term safety and dignity in protracted situations. They allow for incremental upgrading, reinforce what is locally available, and can be repurposed and recycled over time.

For over ten years, we have supplied our humanitarian partners on the field with shelters in support of their post conflict and post disaster missions, and missions to alleviate urban homelessness.